

Pixel artist | Street artist | Painter


+ 39 3207648544

Krayon is an Italian pixel artist born in Melfi, based in Rome. After studying industrial design and graphics, he developed a particular language with which he has distinguished himself for years. The pixel is the basic element on which he builds his works with patience and precision. His work reveals the design scheme and image management in its complexity. He has always been influenced by the classical-scientific arts, from the neo-impressionism of Seurat to the optical art of Vasarely. During his artistic career he painted for many festivals such as Resistenza Street Art Gallery, Vedo a Colori, Manufactory, Blue Flow, In wall we trust and, in 2015, created TEXTURA in Fest, the first street art festival in his hometown.

Since 2018 he has been present in the Chinese art market and is represented by Jardin Orange and NoName Studio after some artistic residency in Shenzhen and Shanghai.

He has exhibited at art fairs in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Genoa, Parma, and in galleries of Xi'An, Zhuhai, Paris, Rome.

Some of his works on canvas are in the permanent collections of the HQB Museum in Shenzhen and Banca D'Italia.

He has collaborated with brands such as Dalian Times Square, Nissan europe, GayCenter.it, SPI Cgil, Empresa, Poste Italiane, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane. 

Krayon è un pixel artist italiano nato a Melfi, con base a Roma. Dopo gli studi in disegno industriale e grafica, sviluppa un particolare linguaggio con cui si contraddistingue da anni. Il pixel è l’elemento base su cui costruisce le proprie opere con pazienza e precisione. Nei suoi lavori emerge lo schema progettuale e la gestione dell’immagine nella sua complessità. Da sempre è stato influenzato dalle arti classico-scientifiche, dal neoimpressionismo di Seurat all’optical art di Vasarely. Durante il suo percorso artistico ha dipinto per molti festival come Resistenza Street Art Gallery, Vedo a Colori, ManuFactory, Blue Flow, In wall we trust e, nel 2015, crea TEXTURA in Fest, primo festival di street art nella sua città di origine.

Dal 2018 è presente nel mercato artistico cinese ed è rappresentato da Jardin Orange e NoName studio dopo aver svolto residenze artistiche a Shenzhen e Shanghai.

Ha esposto in fiere artistiche a Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Genova, Parma, e in gallerie di Xi’An, Zhuhai, Parigi, Roma.

Alcune delle sue opere su tela sono presenti nelle collezioni permanenti dell'HQB Museum di Shenzhen e di Banca D'Italia.

Ha collaborato con brand come Dalian Times Square, Nissan europe, GayCenter.it, SPI Cgil, Empresa, Poste Italiane, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane.


Senza titolo con palme, Canvas in private collection (Italy) (Aug)
Lost&found 2024, Personal project (Italy) (Aug)
SAMAR fest, Digital AR illustration (Saracinesco) (July)
DFWx Krayon x NoteOnWhite, Solo show for pop up NOW at EKA Shanghai  (Shanghai) (May)
Symbiosis planet, canvas in private collection  (Rome) (Apr)
Viticcio, Wall painting  (Melfi) (Jan)



Quantum shift, canvas series created at NoNameStudio (Shanghai) (Dec)
NoteOnWhite, collaboraton with tshirt brand production (Shanghai) (Dec)
NoName studio, workshop with children of the American Shanghai school (Zhujiajiao) (Dec)
Artist in residency, opentalk at SENS (Shanghai) (Dec)
Basket playground 3x3, design of the basket playground producet by Jokerfloors for Lega Basket Serie A (Brescia) (Sept)
Steam generation, publication on middle shool book edited by Mondadori education (Italy) (Sept)
Vento dal mediterraneo vol.8, groupshow at KunsthausRot (Köniz CH) (Sept)
Ecosistemi digitali, Murales for CostaBlanca residence (Sulmona) (Aug)
Diana e Atteone, Murales for Murales Ovidiano (Sulmona) (Aug)
19 Luglio 1943, groupshow at Parco dei Caduti (Roma) (Jul)
Tecnologie Urbane, groupshow at Palazzo Merulana (Roma) (May)
HH50, groupshow at Cinema Aquila (Roma) (May)
Art.24, Collaboration with Dr Frode atUP Factory (Roma) (Apr)
Streetart for School, murales for ITSET Manlio Capitolo in collaboration with Momart Gallery (Tursi) (Apr)
Caos vs Ordine, Groupshow at Up Factory (Roma) (Apr)
Traffic, groupshow at Afnakafna gallery (Roma) (Apr)
Adriatico, Collezione permanente ArteProssima (Pescara) (Mar)
Red thread, groupshow at Up Factory (Roma) (Feb)
Monna Lisa, Lisa, groupshow for Up Factory (Roma) (Jan)



SYart festival, groupshow at Fondazione Sorrento (Sorrento) (Oct)
PosteStorie, groupshow for PosteItaliane (Roma) (Oct)
Lost&found2022, intervento site specific (Italy) (Aug)
FS Italiane, restyling uffici communication (Roma) (Jul)
Facciamo che io ero, murales x Resistenza streetart gallery (Antrodoco) (Jul)
1M3, Workshop x Futuro festival @Teatro Brancaccio (Roma) (Jul)
Deca Dance, Solo show @Moggio (Roma) (Jun)
Original I(k)deas, Group show @Afnakafna (Roma) (May)
5° Art x City forum, Group show @Jiushang Shudian (Zhuhai) (May)
Artisticalmass, Art direction with Omino71 of the Group show @UP gallery (Rome) (May)
Celebrities, Group show @Afnakafna (Rome) (March)


Secret Pixel, Group show @ADAdvisor (Frosinone) (December)
Odissee, Show con Stella Tasca e Michele Guidarini @Afnakafna (Rome) (October)
Sneakers generation, Group show @Galerie Sakura (Paris) (September)
Pink different, Wall painting for Pink agency (Rome) (August)
Il ritorno, Wall painting @Da P'Art a Part festival (San Martino in Pensilis) (August)
La lezione dell'asino, Murales for Comune di Moiola (Moiola) (July)
Tangram, Wood sculpture for private collector (Rome) (June)
Ombre, Group show @Afnakafna gallery (Rome) (May)
Poppy Flower, Basket court for @MA(R)T2021 (Rome) (April)
Spacer Woman, Cover art for @Autum Records (Rome) (April)
800.713.713, Murales for @Gay Help Line (Rome) (March)
Magic square, Group show @Afnakafna gallery (Rome) (February)
HQB art, Group show @HQB MUSEUM (Shenzhen) (January)
Oil brand, Illustrations and graphic for bio products of D'Auria Agricoltura Biologica (Roma) (January)


Eqquindi, Canvas serie for Private collector  (Rome) (Dec)
Christmas up, Canvas serie for Christmas UP @Up contemporary factory (Rome) (Dec)
Intreccio, Murales for Diciamo Insieme Grazie @Policlinico Tor Vergata (Rome) (Oct)
Sinapsi fest, Digital Art show at InFunzione (Rome) (Oct)
Street Money, Group show at Galerie Sakura (Paris) (Sept)
Mamme narranti, Live Performance with Andrea Satta (Rome) (Sept)
Lost&found project, Street project made in Puglia (Ostuni) (Aug)
Fuori Fuoco, Visual for the 7th edition of Dominio Pubblico festival (Rome) (June)
Andy Postportrait Pink, Livepainting for @Carpe Diem Paris (Rome) (June)
Gloves, Livepainting for Uniti si Vince charity campaign (Rome) (May)
PixKull, WhatsApp sticker serie (Online) (May)
Color4Action, B&W printable drawing for Yourban 2030 campaign (Online) (April)
Ice Breaking, Canvas for Be**Part @Atelier Montez (Rome) (April)
Modello Wuhan, Canvas for charity auction with Rosso20sette gallery(Online) (March)
Grape, Murales for Moggio Vineria (Roma) (February)
30Keith, Group show at Afnakafna Gallery (Roma) (February)
Arte Genova 2020, Art fair Expo with Collezionando Gallery (Genova) (February)
Less is more, Solo show at Contemporary Cluster (Roma) (February)
Reclaim, Flag Group show at Cheap temporary space (Bologna) (January)
Exit, Group show at Palazzo Velli Expo (Roma) (January)


Harditi del Pop, livepainting and groupshow for Andy Warhol's Factory at Contemporary cluster (Roma) (December)
Fish serie, artworks for Christmas UP (Roma) (December)
La Città Ideale, Murales for "GAU 2019" Tor Pignattara (Roma) (November)
Filt CGIL, Commissioned canvas for Alessandro Rocchi meeting room (Roma) (November)
Combo 0, Collective poster show at Garage Zero (Roma) (October)
Don't Panic, Solo show at Studio Lab 138 (Pavona) (October)
Surfin the universe, Custom surfboard - Private collection (Roma) (October)
Stars, Collective show at Palazzo Velli (Roma) (October)
Plastic free, Livepainting for Stradarolo festival (Zagarolo - Roma) (September)
Simplicity and Abstract, Group show at SKP Gallery (Xi An - China) (September)
Dinu Adamesteanu, murales for project "Magna Grecia 2019" (Policoro) (August)
Sabotage, Collective poster exhibition curated by Cheap festival (Bologna) (July)
Lost in KittenTown, Collective exhibition at Afnakafna (Rome) (July)
Berta maggiore, murales for Blue Flow festival and LifePonderat (Ventotene) (May)
Affordable Art Fair 2019, Expo with Jardin Orange (Hong Kong) (May)
Artificae Plantae, Collective exhibition at Afnakafna (Rome) (April)
Electrify the world tour, livepainting for Nissan Europe at Stazione di Posta (Rome) (April)
Macro Life, wallpainting for Liceo Farnesina curated by A.DNA project (Rome) (April)
Evolution, Collective exhibition at UP factory (Rome) (April)
4 Fiabe, Collective exhibition at Galla gallery (Rome) (March)
Ready (hand) made, Collective exhibition at Akfnakafna (Rome) (Febuary)
New Chinese year, 3D Installation at Dalian Times Square (Dalian) (January)
Tangram Workshop, art saloon for Dalian Times square (Dalian) (January)
Year of the Pig, handmade panel livepainting at Dalian Times Square (Dalian) (January)
XX Congresso SPI CGIL, Art direction of the exposition "Trasformazioni" at Lingotto (Torino) (January)
Aladdin, Illustrated book published by Scripta Maneant (Bologna) (January)


SIAF 2018, Group show at Shenzhen International Fair (Shenzhen) (November)
International group show, Group show at Guangdong Yuellang Culture and Art exchange center (Dongguan) (October)
Pandalisa, Murales in collaboration with Ador (Shenzhen) (October)
Tangram, Livepainting on cube sculpture at East Pacific Imperial Residences (Shenzhen) (October)
Popup art show, Solo show at East Pacific Imperial Residences (Shenzhen) (October)
East and West, murales on Nanshan district (Shenzhen) (September)
Wine grape and wood, murales on a rural winery (Melfi) (August)
Manu Factory Project, murales in collaboration with Ironmould (Comacchio) (June)
Cheap festival, poster collective show (Bologna) (May)
Open House, Collective show @Together Mansion (Roma) (May)
Le rane e le nuvole, wallpainting for Liceo Aristofane (Roma) (April)
Adotta un partigiano, poster series for Anpi Rovereto (Novi di Modena) (April)
Volti della Memoria, Wallpainting for Libera Contro le Mafie (Pavona) (April)
Notte della Geografia, Collective show @Università Roma Tre (Roma) (April)
Sequenze rituali, Solo show @Guasto Village (Bologna) (January)
Arcani Maggiori, Collective show @Alchimista (Roma) (January)
Techfest IIT, Collective show for Indian Institute of Technology (Mumbai) (January)


XSmas, Collective show @Evasioni Art Studio (Roma) (December)
Like a virgin, Collective show @Acid Drop (Roma) (December)
GAU Gallerie d'Arte Urbana, Bell Glass painting @Centocelle (Roma) (November)
Skate heart Roma vol.2, Collective skate show @Florence Tattoo Convention (Firenze) (November)
James Dean, wallpainting in @San Lorenzo (Roma) (October)
Luigi Fabbri tribute, wallpainting for ZonaNG 6.16 @Centro Civico Michelini (Bologna) (October)
Le Simpatiche Canaglie, wallpainting for ZonaNG 6.16 @Centro Civico Michelini (Bologna) (October)
Intersos 24, wallpainting in collaboration with Ironmould @Intersos24 (Roma) (October)
Il Fotostudio, painting on  rolling shutter @Il Fotostudio (Roma) (September)
Pinecone head, poster for WorldWideWall (Buenos Aires) realized on t-shirt and limited edition paper (August)
Il riccio, committed wall for Agriturismo il Riccio (Monticchio, PZ) (August)
Urban reaction figure, collective show @Macro Testaccio (Roma) (July)
Kid and Butterfly, wall painting for Nuvole shopwear (Melfi) (July)
RomaID, Livepainting @Spazio Cerere (Roma) (June)
Skate heart Roma, Collective skate show @La Clessidra Sala Blu (Roma) (June)
Vedo a colori, wall painting @Molo (Civitanova Marche) (June)
Streetart Wine Fest, wall painting @Cantine Florio (Marsala) (May)
Worldwidewall, poster combo wall (Roma) (April)
Private room, wall painting (Firenze) (April)
Ermetika, collective show, @L'alchimista attraverso lo specchio (Roma) (March)
Mercanteinfiera, Art fair, (Parma) (February)
Sald Out, collective show @EvasioniArt Studio (Roma) (January)


Roma Fa Paura, livepainting @Villaggio Globale (Roma) (November)
Galgano abbigliamento, visual design for shop windows (Melfi) (October)
Fermento festival, livepainting @Città dell’Altra Economia (Roma) (September)
Respect Project, artwork for t-shirt production (Italy) (September)
For the love of God, collective exhibition curated by Matripictoska and TAG (Muro Leccese) (August)
Rock Your Head festival, wall painting (Montebello di Bertona) (August)
JK pool wall, wall painting (Carpi) (July)
Coffee bikepark, wall painting (Frascati) (June)
BlueFlow, wall painting (Ventotene) (May)
Arte in Stazione, wall painting (Pavona) (April)


Empresa, livepainting on leather in store (Roma) (December)
Textura in Fest vol.2, wall painting (Melfi) (October)
Mark, wall painting in restaurant (Rome) (October)
Tracce Temporanee, wall painting @ Rome (September)
Wall of truth, wall painting (Rionero in Vulture) (August)
Textura in Fest, Art direction of the festival, Logo, flyer and wall painting (Melfi) (August)
In Wall We Trust, wall painting @ Airola (BN) (July)
Up patriots to arm, poster combo, curated by Guerrilla Spam e Hogre (Milan) (May)
Earth Day, live painting for LeCool Magazine @ Villa Borghese, Rome (April)
Gradi Plato, wall painting in beer shop (Roma) (March)


LeCool Magazine, Cover and interview (Italy) (December)
Cantinando VII, wall painting, Barile (PZ) (August)
Arterock, wall painting and collective exhibition @ Orion Club, curated by LArtePiù and MArteLive, (Ciampino Rome) (April)
Muro Libero, collective exhibit on a free wall @ Laszlo Biro, (Rome) (January)
99Arts, collective expo @Teatro Tenda Strisce, curated by LArtePiù and MArteLive, (Rome) (January)


Attackit, canvas and wallpaper print (Italy)
Sk8 like Canvas vol.2, expo @Ex Roma club Monti (roma) (January)


Stick my pop, expo @Circolo degli Artisti (Roma) (September)

Roma Street Food, banner for blog (Italy)

Sk8 like Canvas, Logo, poster and expo @Rising Love (roma) (April)
Ortika vol.2, expo @Rising Love (roma) (March)


Cantinando festival, wall painting, (Barile) (August)

Contes-T, expo @circolo degli artisti (Roma) (April)

Vinyl factory, live painting on vinyl @Rising love (Roma) (April)
Vinyl factory, collective show @mondopop (Roma) (March)
Krayon, personal expo @Horus centro sociale (Roma) (January)
Sundayart, expo @rebacco winebar (Roma) (January)


Rinassense, collective expo @happening (Roma) (November)
Vector no limits, personal expo @belzebook (Roma) (October)
Stick my car, collective show @Circolo degli Artisti (Roma) (October)
Rinassense, collective expo @La rampa (Roma) (September)
Rinassense, collective expo @Tiber (Roma) (September)
Rinassense, collective expo @Tiber (Roma) (August)
Rinassense, collective expo @Openbar (Ostia) (July)
MarteLive, collective contest @Alpheus (Roma) (May)
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